Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ideas to do essay 5

Since Dr. Smith has being explaining us many things about games I have being interesting on how games can teach us. In my opinion, at the time, games are very popular topic on colleges. Usually, I go to study on Queen College Library and I have noticed a lot of people working on the same topic. It has had very nice to me to know that many people have different opinion about games how people are involving on it. However, I am very interesting because when I thought on games the thing that came up to me was violence but right now I believe that also games can be as an educational tool. Unfortunately, when I was a child I never had games. For that reason, I cannot give a lot of opinions about games. However, I am planing to do my research paper by ask many people if they think that games can be as educational. Also, I am going to look some books that Dr. Smith recommend me to read, I would like to check some web side and articles etc. to be sure that I doing my paper in the best way.


Lisha said...
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Lisha said...

claudia i think that will be a very interesting topic to do. Theres so much information you can find on how games can teach us. I agree with what you said games aren't just negative some games do have a educational tool. That sounds like a good topic. Good luck with it and i hope it come out well for you.