Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How I'm doing my research paper

So far, I have investigated about my topic that is relate, how Video Games can teach us I have been reading a book What Video Games Have To Teach us by James Paul Gee. In addition, I am looking on some websites to find more information about it. Another think that I would like to do by doing my paper is to ask some kids about what they think if games can be as an educational, what they are learning from the games?, why they are being interesting on it? Etc For example, last week I was in my friend’s house and her nephew was playing a video game. My friend told him to use another TV so we can watch the news. He hardly moved out and not even looked up me. I thought he behaved like a Zombie. I became little intrigued and I went to my friend nephew’s room and asked him about the game. He explained to me how to play it. I did not like it because this game has too much violent. Immediately, I thought how this kind of games could be selling to these kids. My life moves on and really, I never think about the game again. After that, I have more interest to investigate more about it especially those create for kids and are currently in the elementary schools.

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