Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gee Article

I read the article from James Paul Gee,and fought out that it is very good. I like on how Gee mention his own experinces plying the games specially the Pajama Sam. After, I knew how to play this game I interested of knowing more about it. However, what I like most in the Gee's article was when he relationed the concept of biology because he linkes it with the concept of learning. In other words, he says "decades of research, however, have shown, that students taught under such a regime, though they may be able to pass test, cannot actually apply their knowledge to solve problems or underestand the consectual lay of the land in the area they are learning.", this is a very clear statement on how actually apply our knowledge in our daily lives. According to this statement, and his point of view games give students/players the intertact key between knowing and doing. I have to be honest and say that I only like to play puzzle games, because it involves usefull skills including vocabulary, reasoning, speling, and word attack skills.

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