Monday, October 20, 2008

The Cluster

What I have learned so far, in cluster class is how people have created a film before century and how directors are making a film now, also what kind of techniques the directors have used to create a film. Another amazing thing that I have learned in this cluster is how much the media influence the word, how much I understand about what I watch or read, and how I can analyze magazines before I by it. English 101/103, has help me to know that Iam not a good writer but I believe that since I started the class, I have learned some tool that has help me to improve my writing.
Finally, the most important thing of this cluster is that all of my teachers are working together to help us to get up our comprehension. What I expect, over the next few weeks is doing a good job in my Mid-Term s as well as I can, and also do my assignments complete and on time.

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