Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Toy R'Us Trip

The most interesting thing for me about the trip was how I perceived the games. I have been in Toy R’Us before and I have never pay a lot of attention to the toys. I was working with Arisleidy and we were looking on the children section. Also, we was looking in the video games. We saw there a lot of games like Stay Cool!, Height School Music, Arcade 360 xbox, Ciber, Cyber and solve Mission Around the World!. For example, Stay cool! Game is relate with dance style Like that game because you can ply and at the same time do exercise. However, the game that catches my attention was Click start (My First Computer). This game show children how to use the different tools that the computer has like Keyboard, plug and play console, and a children mouse sized. This game transforms the TV into a PC, which allows kids to work and big screen and the whole family to have fun. Large colors buttons make it easy to kids to learn basic keystrokes. This game encourage child to learn and experience new way of learning.Finally, I really like to know everything about how children can improve their learning. Since, I am going to be child Psychology.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Cluster

What I have learned so far, in cluster class is how people have created a film before century and how directors are making a film now, also what kind of techniques the directors have used to create a film. Another amazing thing that I have learned in this cluster is how much the media influence the word, how much I understand about what I watch or read, and how I can analyze magazines before I by it. English 101/103, has help me to know that Iam not a good writer but I believe that since I started the class, I have learned some tool that has help me to improve my writing.
Finally, the most important thing of this cluster is that all of my teachers are working together to help us to get up our comprehension. What I expect, over the next few weeks is doing a good job in my Mid-Term s as well as I can, and also do my assignments complete and on time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gee Article

I read the article from James Paul Gee,and fought out that it is very good. I like on how Gee mention his own experinces plying the games specially the Pajama Sam. After, I knew how to play this game I interested of knowing more about it. However, what I like most in the Gee's article was when he relationed the concept of biology because he linkes it with the concept of learning. In other words, he says "decades of research, however, have shown, that students taught under such a regime, though they may be able to pass test, cannot actually apply their knowledge to solve problems or underestand the consectual lay of the land in the area they are learning.", this is a very clear statement on how actually apply our knowledge in our daily lives. According to this statement, and his point of view games give students/players the intertact key between knowing and doing. I have to be honest and say that I only like to play puzzle games, because it involves usefull skills including vocabulary, reasoning, speling, and word attack skills.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Play and Simulation Game

When I hear the word "PLAY" I immidiately think that it is an entetaining activity like: playing a video game, baseball game,etc. In otther words. to have fun.

"A game"in my reading and thinking about the definition I have identified two basic elements that are the necessary condition of an activity to be colled a game, Most of us have strong motivation to achieve and win a game. Game test and develop our skills, stretch our capabilities, alow us to show our talents, and can be tremendusly engaging and fun. However, a game is a structure activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes also used as an educational tool.

"Simulation Game" are games focusing on realism. It force players to underestand and remember complex principles and relaton. It is focusing on realism